Parents and Carers receive a written report of their pupils’ achievements at the end of the academic year. This report summarises progress made throughout the year and builds on discussions from Academic Tutoring Days.
Academic Tutoring Days (ATD)
These are important formal meetings that happen twice a year for each pupil and provide an opportunity for parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress and achievements.
During Academic Tutoring days children still come into school as usual. Parents and carers are given an appointment during the day to meet with the class teacher. Children will join parents/carers to talk about their progress and targets. Letters will be sent out prior to academic tutoring days, we aim to give as much notice as possible.
Parents are encouraged and welcomed to make additional appointments with the class teacher throughout the year to discuss any concerns.
Reporting to Parents/Carers letter July 2024
Glossary of terms
This is set by the government tells us what we have to teach at different stages of schooling. It sets out the subjects pupils must be taught. Schools decide the best way to deliver the curriculum taking into account the needs of pupils.
Teachers make continual assessments of pupils’ understanding and provide feedback to help them improve.
Standard Assessment Tests. Currently, SATs are compulsory in Year 2 and Year 6. Year 6 SATs papers are sent away and marked externally, while Year 2 SATs inform teacher assessment. Assessments in both Year 2 and Year 6 are moderated by the Local Authority.
Moderation is a way of checking that our assessments are accurate. Sometimes we moderate together in school, sometimes we get together with other schools to moderate, and sometimes the Local Authority will come in to school to moderate our results.
Are meetings we hold in school where senior staff and teachers work together to check the accuracy of assessments. We aim to ensure that we are doing everything possible to support individual children in achieving their full potential.
Pupils are ‘tracked’ in various ways to ensure that progress is assured and that no child is ever over-looked. Teachers track their own class in reading, writing and maths. Subject Leaders track progress in their subjects, and the Senior Leadership Team analyse attainment in classes, year groups and key stages.
An intervention is an action taken in school to support a child in their progression. We currently run various invention programmes in reading, writing and maths as well as our Inclusion Team who support children in overcoming any barriers to learning.