At Middle Park we believe that sport and physical activity provides a context in which a child discovers their personal strengths. Children learn many leadership skills such as communication, collaboration and problem solving skills through the sporting challenge posed to them. Through their achievements, children develop their determination, resilience and self-belief that prepare them for future success in a wide range of careers.
We believe children should have the opportunity to experience quality sporting activities. Within the curriculum, a wide range of sporting opportunities are provided to inspire children to do more than just take part, but to challenge their tactical awareness and teamwork skills within a sport. Children are taught to challenge themselves to try new strategies to improve their own, and others’, performances. This may range from matches between classes to inter-school competitions for different sports or taster sessions in less common sports such as roller hockey and cycling.
A child’s physical confidence grows and is accelerated by inspiring opportunities such as visits to elite sporting events, and our recent visit from Paralympian Gold medallist Suzie Rodgers. These opportunities continue to motivate pupils to dream of their own future success and ignite a life-long passion for regular physical activity.