Message from Carrie Hogger
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Dear Parent / Carers,
I understand that we are currently in a state of unease and at present we are unsure about school closures. In the event of a school closure or extended period of self-isolation, it may be that many of you will find this a challenging time and school would like to support you and your family as much as possible for any periods of time when your children would ordinarily be in school, i.e. term time dates.
There are 2 dedicated email addresses for any concerns that you may have. The administration email will be monitored regularly by our office staff and this can be used for any day-to-day queries.
The other email address can be used for more personal matters and this will be monitored by Carrie Hogger (Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Claire Evans (SENDCo). Please also use this address for any safeguarding concerns. We will do our upmost to support individual parents and carers and their families during this difficult time.
If you are struggling to manage your mental health and wellbeing, you can also contact Time to Talk on 020 3260 1100 or your GP surgery.
If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding individual children or adults, please contact Greenwich MASH Team on 0208 891 3172.
Equally if you find it is difficult to make contact using email or you need face to face support, the Community Centre are trying to ensure that there will be staff available. Please do not hesitate to speak with Andy MacDonald at Middle Park Community Centre 0208 850 2638. Andy will also have access to contact details for key members of school staff if he feels that you would benefit from further support.
Coronavirus Poster – School Nursig V2