Friday 20th March 2020
Friday 20th March 2020
Message to all parents and carers at Middle Park Primary School
From Monday 23rd March 2020, Middle Park School will be operating out of the Middle Park Community Centre. The clear message from Government is that in order to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus people should remain home and limit their movements and interactions as much as possible. Every child who can be safely cared for at home, should be.
For any parent or carer who has a safeguarding concern or is struggling, you can still contact our safeguarding team in the following ways:
• Email –
• Telephone (business hours only) – 07956 274261
• In person at the Middle Park Community Centre
Children with an EHCP, vulnerable children and children of key workers are being offered full daycare (7am to 6pm) at the Middle Park Community Centre until Friday 17th April 2020. These families have been contacted directly. If you have a query regarding this please contact the school on
Stay safe. Look after yourselves and look after one another. We are all still here for you and we will come through this together.