We are starting to welcome prospective parents on school tours for children joining us in 2024/25. Our open mornings are Thursday 19th september 9am, Tuesday 1st October 9am, Wednesday 16th october 9am and thursday 14th November 9am.
Rebecca Cousins
May 20, 2014
Comments Off on Good morning!! Year 6 are very happy and having a great time so far. Felix were very kind to Mrs Fenn, went to sleep well until she woke them up at 7am this morning. Gandalf girls were still awake at 1am and up at 5am!!! (Poor Mrs Findley.) Today is an action-packed one with zip wire, quad biking, sensory trail and fencing. Let’s hope those Gandalf girls get tired out!!!! Have a great day Year 6

Good morning!! Year 6 are very happy and having a great time so far. Felix were very kind to Mrs Fenn, went to sleep well until she woke them up at 7am this morning. Gandalf girls were still awake at 1am and up at 5am!!! (Poor Mrs Findley.) Today is an action-packed one with zip wire, quad biking, sensory trail and fencing. Let’s hope those Gandalf girls get tired out!!!! Have a great day Year 6


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