Year 6 Writing
Although we are still waiting for the Year 6 SATs results to come in, we are thrilled to announce that we have completed our writing moderation with the Local Authority and finalised our Year 6 writing scores.
The news is that all of our results are above national and above Greenwich averages. The percentage of children achieving Level 5+ is well-above both and three children have achieved an incredible level 6 for their writing. (Level 6 is the ‘expected’ level for 14 year olds!)
These are the best writing scores we have ever had and a testament to this wonderful Year 6 who have worked their socks off this year and done their absolute best.
Well done also to the Year 6 staff team who have worked together brilliantly. The moderators were so impressed with the writing that Mrs Fenn and Mrs Findley presented to them that they have asked them to produce a portfolio and present what they have done this year to other schools in the Borough.
Well done everyone!!